Our BUREAU PLIS LLP is a private and independent firm of Patent Attorneys of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
We established it in 1993 just after the Patent Attorneys Institution had been launched in Kazakhstan. In the field of intellectual property law we interact with more than three hundred patent attorney firms, law firms, independent patent attorneys and lawyers around the world. In addition, more than four dozens of the largest manufacturers of goods and services from around the world use our services directly. Several tens of organizations and entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan regularly use our services as well.
We are able to work with the technical papers in English, French and German, but for more operative communication we prefer the correspondence in English, French and Russian.
A large spectrum of the interests of our clients does not allow us to define some concrete technical priority of our BUREAU PLIS LLP. However we have to note that the professional efficiency of the staff including 5 Patent and Trademark Attorneys, is headed by Nina V. Russakova (Eurasian and Kazakhstan Patent and Trademark Attorney, Senior Partner) and Galina A. Zhukova (Kazakhstan Patent and Trademark Attorney, Partner) and the experienced dial specialists in different fields (both the employees of BUREAU PLIS LLP and consultants) makes the BUREAU PLIS LLP able to provide an adequate representation of the interests of our clients. The Bureau is headed by Dipl. Eng. of electronics, lawyer, Ph.D. (physical-mathematical sciences), Kazakhstan Patent and Trademark Attorney, Managing Partner.
We are members of AIPPI (Association International pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle), INTA (International Trademark Association), FICPI (Federation Internationale des Conseils en Propriete Intellectuelle), International Trade Council.